Pujya Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji "Manager Sahib" was born on 21 November 1915 in the
village Salana, Distt. Fatehgarh, in the state of Punjab (INDIA). His father’s name was Sardar
Chanan Singh Ji and mother’s name was Smt. Harnam Kaur. His father as well as mother were
both of religious nature, from the very beginning. Both of them had been initiated by Hazoor
Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji. His mother sat in meditation and contemplation after taking a bath at 3
o'clock in the morning, daily. As such, Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji was also religious in nature
from birth. He was named Gurbax Singh by Hazoor Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji. The Astrologer of
Nabha State had predicted that he would live like a king, after reading His Horoscope during the
time He was an infant. His mother left for Heavenly Abode when He was hardly one and half or
two years old. After the death of His mother He was brought up by His eldest maternal aunt,
Smt. Ishwar Kaur. His maternal aunt Smt. Ishwar Kaur had only one son. She used to consider
Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji "Manager Sahib" her second son. Sardar Munshi Narain Singh Ji
the maternal grandfather of Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji "Manager Sahib" was a close friend of
Hazoor Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji. The village of Hazoor Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji was Mahima
Singh Wala which was very close to His maternal village Lohgarh.

       Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji "Manager Sahib" got His Primary Education from His native
village school Salana and maternal village school Mahima Singh Wala. He then passed His
Matric from L. S. High School Khanna and intermediate from D. M. College Moga. He was
married to Bibi Gurdiyal Kayr while he was still a senior student of the intermediate class. He
had four sons named Shri Mohinder Singh Ji, Mahatma Rughbir Singh Ji, Shri Hardyal Singh Ji,
and Shri Govind Singh Ji. It is worth mentioning here that He was blessed with the wealth of
initiation (Nam Dan) at the age of thirteen by Hazoor Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji. In January 1939,
He was appointed to Senior Forest Guard and owing to His hard work and honesty, He was
promoted to Forester Officer very soon but due to his personal reasons, He resigned that job
and got an appointment in Delhi Cloth Mill as a Manager in the Sales Department. In 1947,
when He was the Manager of D.C.M. Store at Sirsa, He came in contact with Pujya Param Sant
Mastana Shah Balochistani who was then residing at Radha Swami Satsang Ghar Sirsa. Pujya
Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani had also been bestowed with Nam Dan (initiation) by
Hazoor Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji.

       In February 1949, Mastana Shah Balochistani made Pujya Manager Sahib do meditation
and He was blessed with the spiritual gift from Sawan Shahi Hazir Nazir Zindaram. Pujya Param
Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani often used to say that such an educated and intelligent
Manager had been caught with great difficulty after spending a lot of spiritual power. Because
Satguru had to take special work from Him, Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani often
used to call Him Sawan Shahi Manager or Satguru's Manager – in other words He was blessed
with the Spiritual Title of Managership by Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani. Pujya
Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji 'Manager Sahib' had served Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah
Balochistani continuously for 12 years from 1948 to 1960. On 18 April 1960 Pujya Param Sant
Mastana Shah Balochistani left for His Heavenly Abode and merged Himself in the Almighly
Lord. On 14 April 1960, at 12 o'clock at night, just four days before Param Sant Mastana Shah
Balochistani left for Sachkhand (Heavenly Abode), a Satsang (spiritual discourse) was held
when He said that now onward the work of Sacha Sauda Dera will be looked after by Manager
Sahib Sardar Gurbax Singh Ji and you will all work as per his orders because there is no
guarantee how long this body will be allowed to work by the Satguru (Almighty Lord). Soon after
He left for Sachkhand (Heavenly abode), the circumstances in Dera Sacha Sauda started taking
a swift ugly turn against the wishes of Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani and the
Sangat and Sadhus (followers and devotees) at Dera Sacha Sauda now were divided in various
groups. Under these undesirable circumstances, Pujya Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji 'Manager
Sahib' had to leave Dera Sacha Sauda in September 1960. After leaving Dera Sacha Sauda,
He had to spend 6 years at various locations such as Chormar, Malout, Mohmadpur Rohi and
Guluwala meditating and contemplating as well as serving the Sangat at these places.

       On February, 1966 the foundation of present Mastana Shah Balochistani Ashram,
Jagmalwali was laid by Pujya Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji 'Manager Sahib'. At that time this
place was nothing but sandy and deserted. A thatched hut was made in the beginning and then
two rooms were added. Later on, more land was purchased and this Ashram was expended
slowly and continuously. On 24 April 1989 a Trust named Sacha Sauda Roohani Satsang Trust
was registered in Delhi. On 31 May 1990 another Ashram named Sacha Sauda Roohani
Ashram was established at Keshavpuram Delhi. This Ashram at Delhi is generally famous by the
name of Jahajwala Dera. Pujya Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji 'Manager Sahib' started preaching
the ideas of San Mat and by the grace of Satguru He started to initiate the deserved human
beings and put them on the path of salvation by realizing Satguru within oneself. The essence
of the true teachings of Pujya Param Sant Manager Sahib is that the True Supreme power True
Master is Shabd Guru. The Sahbd Guru is present in every atom of this universe and dwells
within every being. Shabd Guru is very near to human being within oneself. It is desired that
everyone should try to realize that power within one's body itself and realization of that power is
not possible without getting the Nam Dan (initiation) from a Param Sant (Perfect Master) who
has visualized and realized that power within himself by the kindness of Satguru. All those who
are able and realized Shabd Guru or Zindaram within themselves by hard, continuous
meditation & contemplation will be helped at the time of their death and liberated from Kal
(Negative Power). All those human being who came in contact with a Perfect Master and got the
blessing of Nam Dan (initiation), they reached their Real Home (at some point). They rid
themselves from the circle of eighty four or birth and death again and again which is the sole
aim of getting the life of a human being.

       Pujya Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji “Manager Sahib” had built a round
Satsang Hall named Sawan Shahi Mastani Mauj Hall, known as Suchkhand. It is one of the
wonderful buildings of the world. The aforementioned Hall was built as per the orders of Pujya
Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani Ji who used to say that such wonderful Hall could be
built by Manager Sahib. If he wants to he could call an engineer from America, otherwise he
could build it himself.

       Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani desired to present and explain the Sant Mat
in a new and easily understandable simple language so that every human being could
understand easily. To achieve this aim, Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani had
ordered Pujya Param Sant Manager Sahib to write books based on Spiritual Teachings, but this
desire of Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani could not be fulfilled during His lifetime.
After the passing of Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani from His body, Pujya Param
Sant Gurbax Singh Ji “Manager Sahib” wrote quite a few books based on Spiritual Teachings
such as Doli Hoi Dunyia Da Sahara Part I to Part IV (Sacha Jiwan, Sacha Dharam, Sacha Sant
or Fakir, Sachi Prema Bhagti and Prarthna), Satsangi Ka Sahara, Sacha Dharam Aur Mas-
Sharab, Doli Hui Sangat Ka Sahara Part I to IV, Mastana Ji Ka Jiwan Updesh Part-I and Part-II as
per the desire and order of Pujya Param Sant Mastana Shah Balochistani Ji. By reading the
aforementioned books, lakhs (thousands) of people swayed to mend their life and the process
continues into future as well.

       By the grace of Satguru, Pujya Param Sant Gurbax Singh Ji “Manager
Sahib” completed his life cycle on 30 July 1998 and left for Anami (Heavenly
abode) at the age of 83 after accomplishing his sacred duties and further handed over this
prime task to his successor (
Vakil Sahib Ji).

       The Spiritual Saints or Perfect Master sent by Satguru or the Almighty Lord are free from
birth and death and are immortal. The aim of their lives is to lead us to the spiritual path and to
unite us with the Lord in the highest spiritual regions within us. They merge themselves with the
Word after the accomplishment of their sacred duties entrusted by Satguru.